Discover the pulse of B2B marketing with our concise guide on industry statistics. Uncover the latest trends, metrics, and b2b marketing statistics, empowering your strategies for success in the dynamic world of business-to-business marketing.
General B2B Marketing Statistics:
Some general B2B marketing statistics before we get into the good stuff!
67% of B2B buyers prefer to conduct their purchase research independently online. (Forrester)
B2B companies with strong customer engagement strategies retain, on average, 89% of their customers. (Porch Group Media)
The top lead generation source for B2B businesses marketing is referrals with around 65%, then email marketing is just behind with 38%. (User Guiding)
Things seem to be getting tougher… 40% of marketers have admitted it’s harder to get responses from prospects than previously before. (Lead Genera)
With artificial intelligence (AI) developing each year it’s important to know what marketers think! 47% of marketers believe the advancement in AI will help in their digital marketing going forward. (User Guiding)
A new B2B benchmark report from LinkedIn and Ipos found that six out of 10 B2B leaders say their budget has increased. Two in 3 expect their budgets to also rise with 52% anticipating budget increases. (LinkedIn)
B2B Social Media Marketing Stats
Impressive Social Media Statistics:
Most marketers, 95% of B2B marketers to be exact, use social media when B2B marketing. (Goat Agency)
On average a lead will engage with 3-7 pieces of content before entering the sales process. (Goat Agency)
84% of B2B buyers make use of social media before deciding whether or not to buy a product or service. (User Guiding)
Adding to this, 85% of B2B marketers use social media advertising/promoted posts. Making social media the top paid content distribution platform. (Goat Agency)
A whopping 16.2% of LinkedIn users are active daily and a further 48% are active monthly. These numbers are promising for any keen marketers looking to use the platform. (The Social Shepard)
Chances are you’re already using LinkedIn, as is your competitor… With 96% of B2B marketers having used LinkedIn. (The Social Shepard)
LinkedIn’s ADs are a fantastic option, businesses have seen a 33% increase in buyers intent with LinkedIn ADs. (The Social Shepard)
Also, 77% of marketers agree they see the best organic results from LinkedIn when compared to other platforms. (The Social Shepard)
Meta (Facebook):
Around 80% of Facebook users access the platform from their mobile phones. Highlighting the need for mobile optimisation within your business. (Hootsuit)
Meta (Facebook) has over 3 billion facebook users, even with popularity decreases among the youth of today the platform is still too large to ignore. With its more than 3x the user count of LinkedIn, many businesses make use of the platform. Making it a great platform for reaching your target audience.
However, with the decrease in usage by younger audiences, it’s clear to see if your target audience is younger, then opting for Instagram will be your best choice This is because for teens between 13-17 instagram is used by 59% of them compared to Facebook’s usage rate of 33%. (Hootsuit)
Influencer Marketing:
B2B companies that use influencer marketing report an average ROI of $6.50 for every $1.00 invested. (The Social Hat)
Majority of marketers have said influencer marketing is effective even with smaller campaigns. With 78% of B2B marketers agreeing this is the case, making it an important area for any B2B business. (The Social Hat)
Social Selling:
Organisations that engaged in social selling, 61% reported revenue growth. (Sales for life)
According to LinkedIn, 78% of businesses that use social selling outperforms those that don’t. (LinkedIn)
Sales professionals with a strong social selling index on LinkedIn have 45% more sales opportunities than those who don’t. (LinkedIn)
Email Marketing Stats
Email Marketing:
Email marketing isn’t going anywhere! With 37% of brands increasing their email marketing budgets going forward. (Hubspot)
Also, 78% of marketers make use of email marketing in their overall marketing plans. (MoreThanWordsUK)
Marketers use email marketing in their tactics more frequently than others, with 84% using email marketing as a tactic. The most of any in B2B marketing! (Kurve)
99% of people check their business emails daily with some up to 20 times per-day! Opening up several opportunities for businesses to gather marketing results. (OptInMonster)
Email Engagement B2B Marketing Statistics:
Enforcing email marketings place in digital marketing is the engagement rate increase industry wide. 77% of marketers have seen an increase to email marketing engagement over the last 12 months. (Hubspot)
Email Open Rates and Click Through Rates:
Open and CTR’s can be drastically different for sectors and businesses for a whole host of variables.
However, here are some averages across the board to give you a picture of what to expect.
The average Open rate is 21.33% and the average CTR is 2.62%. (MailChimp)
Paid Advertising B2B Marketing Statistics:
80% of companies, both B2B and B2C, use Google Ads. (Webfx)
61% of B2B marketers use PPC ads to distribute content. (Webfx)
46% of B2B organizations use search engine marketing. (Webfx)
41% of clicks go to the top three paid ads in search results. (Webfx)
Content Marketing
Interesting B2B Content Marketing Statistics:
Businesses are looking to expand their content marketing efforts! 45% of B2B content marketers expect an increase of budgets going forward. (ContentMarketingInstitute)
Businesses that spend 10-50% of their content marketing resources are 33% more likely to see greater results. (SiegeMedia)
40% of B2B marketers have a content marketing strategy, however this number increases to 64% amongst the most successful marketers. (Ahrefs)
82% of companies have said they make use of content marketing. This number is up from 2020 at just 70%. Showcasing the rise of content marketing within b2b. (bloggingwizard)
75% of marketers who use content marketing say SEO is their best content marketing tactic. (bloggingwizard)
Video Content Stats:
Video content is also the primary form of content being created with 50% of all content being video in 2023. (Ahrefs)
With a staggering audience reach of 92% worldwide, video content can be a powerful marketing tool for b2b businesses when reaching audiences. (TheSocialSheperd)
71% of b2b marketers are using video content already, highlighting it’s wide spread adoption. (The SocialSheperd)
Around 69% of marketers expect their business to increase budgets specifically for video content marketing highlighting the emerging trend into video content that has reigned supreme for the last while. (ContentMarketingInstitute)
73% of people prefer to learn about a service, product or business via video content. Only 11% prefer text-based article, website, or posts. Around 4% prefer to view an infographic and 3% prefer to download an ebook or manual. About 3% prefer to attend a webinar or pitch and another 3% prefer to receive a sales call or demo. (Ahrefs)
96% of people who use video content say they learn more about the products or services being offered. (SocialPilot)
B2B Marketing Statistics For Podcasts:
43% of decision makers report using podcasts to access business-related content. This means podcasts are on the same level as email newsletters, webinars and social media platforms as one of the favoured channels for buyers in b2b. (martech)
With podcasts seemingly snowballing, it’s not a surprise 85% of marketers plan to keep on investing into podcasts. (isolinecomms)
44% of business owners, founders, managing directors, and vice presidents listen to podcasts. Meaning it is an excellent opportunity for savvy b2b businesses looking to contact key decision makers. (isolinecomms)
Also, 64% of b2b buyers reported podcasts were helpful at the start of their buyers journey. Showing the power of podcasts to convert! (siegemedia)
Content Distribution:
92% of marketers produce blog content/posts, businesses who produce blog content regularly retain 67% more leads per-month than businesses who don’t. (bloggingwizard)
As AI has taken the world by storm, it’s potential in B2B content marketing can’t be ignored. 65% of content marketers plan to use AI content generation tools going forward. (SiegeMedia)
83% of marketers say focusing on quality content over quantity even if doing so would mean you post less frequently. (HubSpot)
61% of businesses said updating and repurposing old content was the most efficient distribution tactic. (bloggingwizard)
96% of b2b content marketers prioritise LinkedIn for content distribution, making it the most common source for organic b2b content distribution. (SearchEngineJournal)
Content Marketing Impact:
An interesting statistic to note is 74% of businesses who spend under £1000 on a piece of content report an underperforming content strategy. (SiegeMedia)
44% of people say they consume 3 to 5 pieces of content from a business before reaching out and engaging. (bloggingwizard)
Content marketing on average costs 62% less than other forms of traditional marketing. Content marketing also generates 3 times the amount of leads per dollar compared to other forms of marketing. (bloggingwizard)
Long form content (3000+ words) generates 2 times as many page views and 20% more shares than short form. on top of this, posts with lists in them generate 70% more traffic! (bloggingwizard)
Posts that have images are 2-4 times more likely to generate traffic. Content with images also get 30% more shares and 25% more backlinks than posts without images. (bloggingwizard)
On average, list headings perform the best for blog posts. However, this is subjective to change depending on the actual content and niche you are targeting.
Video content has reported the best ROI from 51% of marketers amongst all forms of content. (SocialPilot)
83% of b2b marketers say content marketing helped build brand awareness. (1827marketing)
Mobile Marketing
Your B2B Mobile Marketing Statistics:
Mobile ad spend is projected to take over from desktop ad spend, ushering in a new era for b2b marketing,. (Drip)
1 in every 5 people enjoy seeing ads on their mobile device such as their phones, making a large portion of your audience receptive to mobile ads. (Drip)
52% of all website traffic is generated from mobile phones, showing how large and important it is getting mobile marketing right. (webfx)
B2B leaders have reported to have successfully driven as high as 40% of their revenue through mobile phones. (moengage)
Up to 50% of search queries specifically to b2b were attributed to smartphones. Showing the shift from desktop to mobile. (moengage)
An increase in revenue growth of around 42% was noted in b2b markets as well as increases in other stats such as: leads, traffic, and transactions, showing the power of b2b mobile marketing. (moengage)
Mobile Optimisation:
90% of b2b buyers who reported experiencing a superior mobile experience said they’re more likely to buy again. Emphasising the importance of mobile optimisation on your site.
Mobile marketing can speed up your b2b purchase time by 20%. (MakeAWebsiteHub)
83% of b2b marketers consider mobile apps important for content marketing. (MakeAWebsiteHub)
Mobile usage from b2b workers is expected to increase from 2 to 3 hours on average per-day. Meaning, if you aren’t mobile optimised right now, you may fall behind the curve. (MakeAWebsiteHub)
Inside of leading b2b businesses, mobile drives on average 40% of revenue. Again highlighting the importance of being mobile optimised. (MakeAWebsiteHub)
Around 60% of b2b search queries are on mobile and this number will only grow as time passes by. So don’t fall behind and stay mobile optimised. (MakeAWebsiteHub)
B2B Marketing Statistics – Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)
Every Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) Stat You Need:
The b2b ecommerce industry has the lowest average conversion rate at just 1.8%. (bloggingwizard)
70% of b2b marketers believe video content helps convert leads. (webfx)
Using inbound marketing can increase conversion rates by 6% to 12% for the average b2b businesses website.
The average conversion rate across all industries is 2.9%. (bloggingwizard)
Website Optimisation:
The average conversion rate for b2b websites is 2%, meanwhile b2c websites average 3.2%. Indicating area for growth inside the b2b sector. (Webo)
Mobile websites that load in 2 seconds or less experienced a 15% higher conversion rate, underlining the significance of mobile optimisation in CRO. (webfx)
Decreasing your website load speed by just 1 second can lead to a 7% increase in conversions! Showing how important CRO for your website truly is. (webfx)
The average conversion rate for pop-ups is just 3%. (webfx)
A/B Testing:
A/B testing is an effective way for b2b businesses to test their marketing and discover what areas and components are working and which isn’t. This process is often crucial for the success of marketing efforts.
61% of b2b companies carry out less than 5 A/B tests per month. Showing a displacement in over half of the b2b companies around the globe for time spend testing their marketing strategies. (Zipdo)
77% of b2b marketers say A/B testing is crucial for the success of their marketing copy. (Zipdo)
Around 70% of marketers believe A/B testing is essential to enhance conversions. (Zipdo)
Landing Page Optimisation:
The average conversion rate of a lead gen landing page is 11.9%, emphasising the potential for higher conversion rates in b2b lead gen efforts. (bloggingwizard)
B2B businesses with 31 or more landing pages get 7 times more leads than b2b businesses with only 1-5 landing pages. Highlighting the impact of landing pages for b2b businesses. (Apexure)
The average landing page conversion rate for b2b businesses is 2.35%. (WritersBlock)
Having your landing page load speed improve from 5 seconds to 1 second can triple conversion, showing the common theme in marketing is the parallel of page load times to conversions. (UserGuiding)
Long form landing pages generates up to 220% more leads, an important statistic for showing the valuable potential of long form content for lead gen. (UserGuiding)
Call-to-Action (CTA) Optimisation:
Small Business Trends reports that 70% of small b2b businesses don’t have CTA’s on their website. A massive missed opportunity for business conversions. (SixthCityMarketing)
The difference of having a CTA in your email campaign compared to without is a 1,617% increase to sales potentially. This statistic really does show how important CTA’s can be. (SixthCityMarketing)
On top of the last stat, a well designed CTA makes all the difference, with conversion rates increasing up to 121% from poorly designed CTA’s. (B2Brocket)
The average CTR in email marketing is 3-5% for b2b businesses. (HubSpot)
Marketing Technology and Data Stats
Technology Adoption:
89% of b2b businesses have an account based marketing program, showing the adoption of this technology based marketing approach. (Webfx)
56% of b2b businesses are increasing their investment into digital marketing and digital marketing technologies. Showing a rise in adoption for varied marketing tech in the b2b space. (Webfx)
Data and Analytics:
Knowing your data and analytics in b2b marketing is arguably the most important part of marketing. Thankfully there is a whole variety excellent analytic tools such as Google Analytics and Search Console. Analytic tools such as Google analytics are a must for any b2b businesses marketing.
89% of b2b researchers gather information about potential purchases via the internet. (BackLinko)
Gartner predicts 65% of B2B sales organisations will transition from intuition-based to data-driven decision making by 2026. (gartner)
The average marketer will use 13-15 different data sources when reporting on data and marketing leads, showing the need for diverse data in b2b marketing reports. (BackLinko)
B2B Lead Generation Stats
Lead Generation:
85% of b2b businesses see lead gen as their most important marketing metric. (BloggingWizard)
The importance of lead generation is reinforced by the following statistic: 53% of marketers spend half of their marketing budget on lead gen. (Webfx)
However, 44% of sales reps aren’t happy with the quality of the leads coming in from businesses lead generation efforts. Identifying an area of improvement for the average b2b business. (ExplodingTopics)
Account Based Marketing (ABM):
Account Based Marketing (ABM) can lead to a 208% increase in revenue for b2b businesses. (Webfx)
On average businesses dedicate 29% of their marketing budget to account based marketing (ABM). (Webfx)
94% of marketers are or plan to use ABM programs. (Webfx)
B2B businesses that made use of account based marketing have seen an increase of 10% to business revenue. (RollWorks)
It’s All About The Customer!
Customer Experience (EX)
According to PWC buyers are willing to pay more to experience a great customer experience. Showing the room for extra profits by making use of excellent customer experience within your business. (Gitnux)
In a B2B digital experience survey, 73% of b2b executives said that customer expectations for personalised experiences are much higher. (Gitnux)
43% of b2b customers say they’d prefer to not engage with a sales rep at all throughout the customer journey. (Qualtrics)
90% of b2b buyers say the customer experience is just as important as the actual product or service. Showing the gravity and importance of good customer experiences. (GoToClient)
Webinars in B2B:
73% of b2b marketers say webinars are the best way to generate high quality leads. (Luisazhou)
Over half of b2b professionals say they attended webinars on a weekly basis.
48% of b2b buyers consider webinars as the most important form of content for decision making. (isolinecomms)
Customer Testimonials Impact:
89% of b2b marketers say testimonials is the most powerful tool at their disposal. (testimonialhero)
Customer testimonials increase brand engagement by 28% on average. (90seconds)
Making use of customer testimonials in your b2b marketing can increase revenue by 62% on average. (
B2B marketers ranked marketing case studies the #1 most effective marketing tactic to increase sales—ahead of general website content, SEO, blog posts, social media, paid ads and other tactics. (Uplift Content)
Websites that used testimonials had a 45% increase in traffic compared to those who didn’t. (
Customers who interact with testimonials before buying are 58% more likely to buy and on average spend 3% more. (
Marketing budgets and Operations
B2B Marketing Budgets:
Since the pandemic, 40% of B2B marketers have experienced a decrease in their email marketing budget. Possibly highlighting a soon to arrive change in the B2B marketing landscape.
On average, b2b businesses spend 12.1% of their overall budget on marketing. (Skale)
The average spend of a b2b businesses revenue on their marketing is 11.2%. (HealthLaunchPad)
Lead generation has the biggest share of the budget at 36%, closely followed by brand building and awareness at 30%. (LinkedIn)
Chatbots and Customer Support
58% of businesses are making use of chatbots, seeing increases to numbers such as 30% reduced business costs, 67% increased sales and a 55% higher chance of acquiring better leads. (Intellimize)
74% of customers say they prefer having their problems fixed with a real person over AI/Chatbots even if it takes longer. (GoToClient)
With an informative breakdown of statistics on all areas of b2b marketing, this resource is designed to keep you informed on every level! With data sourced from industry leaders, you can be sure this resource ticks all your b2b marketing statistic boxes.
Any stats we may have missed? Drop us a message in the comment box.
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